Happy Birthday, Buddy!

On November 28, 2005, our life changed…again. The 3 of us turned into the 4 of us, and it was wonderful. Our life went from normal speed to Mach 10- with our hair on fire speed. Our days went from quiet days, reading books and playing puzzles to… yelling, running, crashing, demolishing, laughing, squealing, and lots of lots of smiles. We still read books and put puzzles together just a little differently than we did before.  You brought a whole new energy to our house, that we never knew was missing. We love that you like to ride your bike as fast as you can. We love that you like to build a tower out of blocks and then run and crash them down. We love that you like to make your cars (or trucks, airplanes, or anything with wheels) crash into each other over and over and over again. We also love the way you make us laugh, you are such a funny, funny little boy. We love the way you like to snuggle with your cheek pressed right against ours. We love the way you say such sweet, sweet things to us, like “Mommy, you have beautiful eyes”.

Most of all, we love that you are our son and Hannah’s little brother.

Happy 3rd Birthday, little Buddy!

We love you, Mom, Dad and Hannah                      


Nothing like blue icing says “Happy Birthday”


Yippie! I got a Dump truck.                         


 “Daddy, please help me open this.”

Happy b-day song.

Dancing to the music that comes out of his new dump truck.

2 Responses

  1. Happy Happy Birthday Alexander !!!!!!!!!

    I remember the day you were born, I remember holding you in my arms… Happy Birthday Buddy, we love and miss you..

    Uncle Richard and Auntie D

  2. “Thank you and I love and miss you too”
    Love, Xander

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